Fishing Reports
Competition Rules
These by-laws and competition rules are drawn up by the Committee under the authority granted by the rules of the Association.
Should any controversy arise upon any matter or circumstances that is not specifically dealt with in any by-laws, or any dispute occur concerning their interpretation, the subject matter of the controversy or dispute shall be referred to the Committee whose decision shall be final.
The Committee has the power to alter or re-allot the date of any competition should conditions be known to be unfavourable on the date specified in the syllabus for that competition.
Should any competition not be won, the trophy or prize may be allotted to a further competition, and members who did not fish in the former competition may enter in the second competition for that prize or trophy.
No competition will be held unless there are 4 entries. In such circumstances the Committee may allot the specified trophy or prize to a later competition.
A record of every competition shall be compiled on the printed form designed for the purpose.
These forms, after completion, will be preserved among the archives of the Association for future statistical purposes, and as a permanent record of the activities and achievements of the Association.